We will never forget where we are from
We will never forget how hard our ancestors tried to get our nation back on our own hands
We will never forget how much blood and sweat had sacrificed
To live with pride... for our people.

We will never forget how our Aung San was honest
We will never forget those who shrouding Burma's dignity and beauty
With the horrific deeds and devilish Dictatorship !
We will never forget those who sacrificed for us
And those who devote their lives for others

We will never forget those strangers
those who cried when our people cried
For whose tear drops convince us to believe the
real existence of the silver line around the dark clouds

We therefore must fight for the silver line
Come hell or high water ! We will fight !
We will fight against the dark clouds

We will fight .................
For those who are weak
For those who are innocent
For those who has been suffering because of having a kind heart inside
For those who are in bereavement
For those who are unable to speak truth!
For those people of our country
For those people of this complex blue moon
For our family ...and for others' family

We will never never never give up !

Written by Tristan.



April 3, 2009 at 9:10 PM

Dear Tristan,
I'm sitting here across the globe in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA reading your beautiful poem. It is written beautifully and with great strength. My husband and I send you our prayers and hope for justice and freedom for Burma. Your new website is really excellent. Keep it up!
Say hello to all my friends at the knowledge Zone!
All the best,
Deborah W.